How the Global Smile Foundation Provides Comprehensive Cleft Care and Dentistry for Patients in Need

January 31, 2022

In the United States, 1 in every 1,600 children is born with cleft lip and palate. Collectively known as “orofacial clefts,” cleft lip and palate occur when a baby’s lip or mouth do not form properly while in their mother’s womb. Children with this congenital disability experience difficulty speaking and eating and may often have problems with their teeth.

Global Smile Foundation was founded to help children with untreated cleft palate and cleft lip to feel more confident in their beautiful smiles. By providing cleft care and support for underserved families, this organization has helped change the lives of so many children around the world. GSF’s reach spans four continents and four countries, with their major operations being in Ecuador and Lebanon.

To illustrate how GSF has made a difference in patients’ lives, let’s hear from Diego, a young man who has grown up with the organization. In 1996, Diego met GSF volunteers for cleft lip surgery at three months old. He then met with them again a year later for cleft palate surgery.

“GSF changed my life. I am forever indebted to the doctors who helped me,” said Diego.

Throughout his childhood, Diego received subsequent surgeries and cleft palate care services provided by GSF. Today, he has decided to give back and help other children with his condition. After volunteering with GSF-Ecuador for years, Diego now works as GSF’s Digital Media Coordinator, helping spread the organization’s message and mission to the world.

He shared: “I am where I am today because of GSF. I want to give something back to my community in honor of what GSF has done for me.”

There are many children like Diego worldwide, especially in developing countries, and many do not have access to quality cleft care and dentistry. Global Smile Foundation has made its mission to transform these children’s lives by providing free comprehensive cleft care for over 1,000 patients every year.

With the support of the Benco Family Foundation, GSF can offer an integrated approach to cleft care, bringing together various specialties such as cleft lip surgery, dentistry, pediatrics, speech pathology, and more. The goal is to make sure that patients can live their best lives, accessing much-needed care without socioeconomic barriers limiting them.

Dentistry is crucial for children with cleft lip and palate because this congenital condition affects the shape, structure, and growth of teeth. Routine dental visits can help improve the quality of life for children with orofacial clefts, such as unilateral cleft lip and submucous cleft palate, helping ensure that they can eat and speak more easily.

The teams at Global Smile Foundation return to each mission location annually to provide personalized and consistent support for all the families in need. This 2022, the organization plans to visit various places in Ecuador, including Guayaquil and Santa Elena and Beirut in Lebanon, and Trujillo in Peru.

In addition, GSF offers training and fellowship programs to ensure that volunteers are well-equipped to address the needs of the communities they serve. Learn more about how you can support Global Smile Foundation and help them make a difference in countless people’s lives by visiting their website.


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