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The art of not having to “flatter” the boss but still being respected and promoted quickly

Articles | Tuesday, November 2nd, 2021

Source: https://cafebiz.vn/nghe-thuat-khong-can-ninh-sep-nhung-van-duoc-trong-dung-va-thang-chuc-nhanh-chong-20211102140842214.chn

11/02/2021 02:08 PM BUSINESS

Obviously, in the company hierarchy, your promotion will establish your success. To effectively advance your career in the company, you need to have excellent performance and the ability to attract the attention of your boss.


The art of not having to "flatter" the boss but still being respected and promoted quickly


You have good ideas, insights and a strong will to advance in your career. Ironically, you don’t get the opportunities you want and “five times seven” fall short of your boss’s expectations.

Obviously, in the company hierarchy, your promotion will establish your success. To effectively advance your career in the company, you need to have excellent performance and the ability to attract the attention of your boss.

So how do you get the attention of senior leaders without “flattering” with rhetoric? Let’s “contemplate” the following secret and act now.

For comprehensive development, you should do well instead of doing enough

If you want to earn a promotion, you’ll need to think about what the company wants to do with you. Every company has a clear desire to see the full contribution of value from the employees they own.

Therefore, you need to have a broader vision, find more opportunities in the work you are undertaking instead of following the requirements from AZ that your boss gives. This means your name needs to be associated with good performance.

Once you have a look of trust, trust will continue to push your boss to discover your inner qualities with outstanding achievements and results. Opportunities piling up opportunities will quickly increase the likelihood of larger projects with higher positions.

Strategic thinking problem solving skills

Becoming an influential person in decision-making requires not only the ability to lead and motivate team members, but also the responsibility to shoulder.

Also, you need to be able to look beyond the to-do list and think strategically about what opportunities will help the company achieve its larger goals.

According to Chuck Cohen – CEO of Benco Dental – the largest dental distributor in the US shared that: “This is a skill that doesn’t always come naturally. If you want to have strategic thinking, If you’re good at it, you have to practice. It’s like a muscle that needs to be nourished every day. The more you use it strategically, the more strategic thinking you get.”

Become an active communicator at work

You don’t have to be “smart” to communicate, but you do need to be thoughtful in your interactions with others. No matter what, staying calm and positive under pressure will be one of the essential qualities that deserve attention.

Communication skills are the universal key that unlocks the thousands of opportunities you expect. Don’t just befriend “expertise” every day. Always give yourself the opportunity to connect and collaborate with other important “partners” in the company.

As you build connections, inadvertently asserting a vital presence within your company expands your network of allies and increases your persuasion and positive influence on your personal brand.

Art does not need to "flatter" the boss but is still respected and promoted quickly - Photo 1.

Focus on our success rather than mine

Although it is undeniable that individual achievements will make an indelible impression. However, the workplace requires teamwork and teamwork, as the greatest chance of success lies in a team that works well together.

Knowing how to promote team values ??and wholeheartedly support each other are factors that the boss often observes to assess the cooperative attitude of each individual. As shared by Dave MacKeen, CEO of Eliassen Group, said:

“It’s hard to accept advice and tips from others to help you succeed, whether they’re a friend you trust or a colleague. When someone makes the people around them better, it’s priceless. and worth noting”.

Therefore, do not try to drown out the ability of your team members to dominate yourself. Indeed, no project is successful without dedication from all sides.


Advancement in career is never easy, the journey to higher positions partly affirms your worthy position. In short, the path to promotion is not rosy if you only know how to “go around” to flatter the boss’s ego.


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